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Kombucha can help boost the immune system. Researchers believe this is tied to its ability to improve gut health. 

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Acai Berries

Acai is known for its antioxidant powers and other health benefits often in association with weight loss regimes

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Kimchi may lower blood pressure, make heart healthier, reduce cancer risks, improve brain function and immune system, fight obesity

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Chia Seeds

Chia seeds may help control blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, enhance brain function, contribute to heart health, and reduce inflammation

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Mulberries may help the immune system, reduce inflammation, strengthen cardiovascular health, enhance circulation in the body, increase brain function, and reduce cholesterol

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Goji Berries

These berries have high levels of iron and vitamin C. They have more iron than can be found in meat. They also have more vitamin C than can be found in a typical orange

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Lucuma Fruit

Because of its orange color, you know it’s packed with a lot of beta-carotene. It also has high levels of B vitamins that you need for your health and antioxidants to fight free radicals

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Spirulina has a high protein level that rivals meat. It contains iron and multiple B vitamins that boost your immune system and energy levels, along with essential calcium

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Long-valued for its energy-boosting properties, maca root has high levels of B vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, and give you more energy, improve your libido, decrease symptoms of PMS, help menopausal symptoms, and boost the immune system

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Ginseng has many recognized health benefits: 

Enhanced healing, down to the cellular level

Gives you energy

Fights stress

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Address: 1865 Winchester Blvd., Campbell, CA

Phone: 1-408-915-7520


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